Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Report

Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Computer Science

Advisor 1

Robert Pastel

Committee Member 1

Briana Bettin

Committee Member 2

Leo Ureel


This report provides a comprehensive overview of my journey through two distinct roles at the Humane Interface Design Enterprise (HIDE) - as a Technical Consultant in Spring 2023 and an Agile Process Analyst in Fall 2023. My tenure as a Technical Consultant was marked by the application of academic knowledge and technical skills to tackle real-world challenges at HIDE, leveraging experiences from my capstone projects and my roles in the industry as an IT Analyst Intern at Milwaukee Tool and a Data Engineer at UST. This role at HIDE enhanced my problem-solving skills and contributed to the progress of the project teams. Transitioning into the Agile Process Analyst role in Fall 2023 signaled a shift to a more observational and analytical approach within HIDE's software development processes, informed by my background in operational efficiency through technology at Milwaukee Tool. My engagement with HIDE was influenced by my interest in Software Development Engineering and Processes, particularly in system design and integration, process automation, and operational analysis. These areas, enriched by my industry experiences emphasizing Agile principles, and DevOps strategies, have steered my professional journey. The aim of this report is to articulate the evolution of my goals during my time at HIDE and highlight the skills I developed throughout this journey. It reflects on my contributions to HIDE's projects, underscoring the knowledge, and impactful experiences that have propelled my growth as a technical professional.

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