Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Report

Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental and Energy Policy (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Social Sciences

Advisor 1

Chelsea Schelly

Committee Member 1

Kari Henquinent

Committee Member 2

Melissa Baird


This study investigates how fuel managers incorporate equity and social vulnerability considerations into wildfire fuel reduction treatments on National Forest land and explores the resulting impact on the implementation of wildfire risk reduction policies. Through interviews, managers revealed differing perspectives on prioritizing social vulnerability characteristics and challenges such as insufficient information and resources to inform equitable fuel treatment decisions. These findings illuminate the complexities of integrating considerations of social vulnerability into decision-making processes for wildfire management at the wildland-urban interface, suggesting potential divergence from nationally supported policies aimed at equitably implementing wildfire risk reduction measures. The study findings underscore the importance of addressing challenges associated with access to information and building capacity to enhance the equity and effectiveness of manager’s fuel reduction decision-making.
