Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Report

Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental Engineering (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering

Advisor 1

Robert Handler

Committee Member 1

Jonathan Robins

Committee Member 2

Paul Sanders


In 2022, aluminum was named a critical mineral by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the global demand for aluminum is projected to increase by 40% from 2020 to 2030 (Aleksić 2023). There are currently no large-scale bauxite mines in the United States to contribute to aluminum production, and this study aims to investigate the feasibility of aluminum landfill mining in the United States to produce secondary aluminum. The feasibility of landfill mining for the purpose of recovering materials and energy is a relatively new technology, and often co-benefits are required to make these projects economically viable. Publicly available databases of national and statewide landfills are utilized, and their aluminum content is estimated. The use of ArcGIS as a mapping and analysis tool for the Houston, Texas area is also part of this study.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Texas Landfill Data with Sorting.xlsx (523 kB)
US EPA LMOP Data for Texas

Florida Landfill Data with Sorting.xlsx (422 kB)
US EPA LMOP Data for Florida

Illinois Landfill Data with Sorting.xlsx (490 kB)
US EPA LMOP Data for Illinois

Georgia Landfill Data with Sorting.xlsx (467 kB)
US EPA LMOP Data for Georgia

Ohio Landfill Data with Sorting.xlsx (511 kB)
US EPA LMOP Data for Ohio

California Landfill Data with Sorting.xlsx (738 kB)
US EPA LMOP Data for California

msw-facilities-texas-2.xls (1113 kB)
TCEQ Open Landfill Data

msw-closed-facilities-texas-2.xls (298 kB)
TCEQ Closed Landfill Data

msw-unum-texas-2.xlsx (954 kB)
TCEQ Closed and Unnumbered

ArcGIS for all Houston Counties.xlsx (90 kB)
Compiled US EPA LMOP and TCEQ Database for 9 Houston Counties

00 Publishing Agreement 9-2021.pdf (77 kB)
