Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Report

Degree Name

Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering

Advisor 1

Qingli Dai

Committee Member 1

Zhanping You

Committee Member 2

Andrew Swartz


The increasing environmental burden at landfills due to the disposal of waste glass has motivated the scientific community to find an alternative for its utilization. One of these promising routes is to use glass powder (GP) as precursor and waste glass sands as sand replacement in alkali-activated slag (AAS) mortar to reduce the setting time, shrinkage, and efflorescence characteristics for the field applications by comparing with class F fly ash (FFA). This study first experimentally investigates the setting behavior, shrinkage behavior and compressive strength, and efflorescence characteristics of AAS binder prepared with partially replaced glass powder and fly ash. The binder test results showed that the WG AAS samples have similar performance as class F fly ash AAS samples to prolong the setting time, slightly increase compressive strength, reduce early-age shrinkage and the severity of efflorescence. The 15% replaced GP or fly ash precursors are reacted to generate denser geopolymer phases in nanoscale than 20% replacement. The mechanical properties of AAS mortar samples were also evaluated with added steel fiber reinforcement or replaced recycled glass sands. The mortar samples were prepared with 20% replaced waste GP or fly ash and the mechanical test results showed slightly reduced compressive, tensile, and flexural strength. All the AAS mortar samples with recycled steel fibers increased the mechanical properties while the replaced glass sands have slightly positive effects on sample mechanical properties. Overall, this study indicated the replaced GP in AAS binder can favorably improve the performance of geopolymer binder by comparing with FFA. Replaced glass particles and recycled steel fibers can be used to improve the mechanical properties of mortar samples.

Available for download on Wednesday, February 05, 2025
