Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Report

Degree Name

Master of Science in Geology (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences

Advisor 1

John Gierke

Advisor 2

Blair Orr

Committee Member 1

David Watkins


Soil erosion in Ghana negatively effects many small holder farmers due to heavy rainfall, continuous land use, and a changing climate. Inexpensive, local, and sustainable practices that can be used to reduce soil movement thus building productive soils would benefit farmers in Ghana. Vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides) has been used to this effect worldwide. Its local availability and positive reputation leaves desire to learn about its applicability in Ghana. A field study was conducted on plots of sloping farmland (10ft by 60ft) with three treatments: (1) control with no vetiver grass, (2) two vetiver grass hedgerows, (3) four vetiver grass hedgerows. Erosion pins were placed in a grid and measured periodically during the approximate 6-month study period along with daily rainfall measurements. ANOVA analysis showed small trends that the vetiver hedgerows were helping to curb erosion, although no statically significant results existed between the treatments. This hints that the grass will be effective after a greater establishment period but did not have a significant effect during the first months of its growth.

Included in

Geology Commons
