Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Applied Physics (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Physics

Advisor 1

Jae Yong Suh

Committee Member 1

Chito Kendrick

Committee Member 2

Miguel Levy


Chiral metamaterials are artificially tailored materials that are composed of nanoparticles that lack in-plane mirror symmetry. Application of chirality to plasmonic nanostructures can lead to chiro-optical effects such as asymmetric transmission of circularly polarized light, circular dichroism and optical activity. When light is incident on metallic nanoparticles, conduction electrons undergo collective oscillations within the nanoparticles, resulting in localized surface plasmon (LSP) resonance. Surface lattice resonances (SLRs) are hybrid plasmonic-photonic modes arising from the radiative coupling between LSPs and electromagnetic waves diffracted in the plane of the periodic array. Because of the collective dipole interactions, SLRs have less radiative losses compared to LSP resonances. In this thesis, SLRs in chiral metamaterials are studied and discussed. Three-dimensional chiral gold plasmonic nanocubes were fabricated and transferred to periodic arrays of hexagonal and square lattices. The components of chirality tensor are obtained from the asymmetric transmission dispersions of SLR modes. The strength of the asymmetry in dispersion relation is scaled as the optical activity that originates from the broken space inversion symmetries of the nanocubes in the arrays.

Included in

Physics Commons
