Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Report

Degree Name

Master of Science in Industrial Archaeology (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Social Sciences

Advisor 1

LouAnn Wurst

Committee Member 1

Sean Gohman

Committee Member 2

Timothy Scarlett


This report presents the results of preliminary archaeological research at the Quincy Unit as part of the Cooperative Agreement P18AC00178 between the United States Department of Interior/National Park Service and Michigan Technological University titled An Inventory of Historic Archaeological Resources at Keweenaw National Historical Park (KEWE) and Isle Royale National Park (ISRO). Archaeological investigation concentrated on the lot housing the Quincy Mine Office and the location of the Quincy Michigan National Guard encampment located across US-41 from the No.2 Rockhouse, used during the Copper Country Miners’ Strike of 1913-14. This is a multi-year project, primarily looking at the Quincy Mining Company property in an assessment of cultural resources in accordance with Section 110 of the National Historical Preservation Act. This is crucial information to the development and interpretation of this area in the future.
