Track A | 2019 Annual Lean Conference Schedule

Track A for the First Annual Copper Country Lean Conference, "Growing Lean, from the roots to the treetops" is available below. This track contains case studies and active learning sessions on topics suitable for those new to Lean and those with an intermediate level of Lean knowledge and experience.

Give us a call at 906-487-3180 or send an email to with any questions.


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Monday, May 20th
9:30 AM

Workshop Session - The Red Bead Experiment

Jim Manley, Carlisle Corp.

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

12:30 PM

Track A: The 8 Wastes in Manufacturing - Case Study

Teresa Schissler-Boichot, Boichot Consulting


12:30 PM - 12:50 PM

1:00 PM

Track A - Push Pull Methodology - Active Learning Session

Teresa Schissler-Boichot, Boichot Consulting

1:00 PM - 1:50 PM

1:50 PM

Refreshment and networking break with the Copper Country Lean Group

Copper Country Lean Group

1:50 PM - 2:15 PM

2:15 PM

Track A: Simple Visual Control System to Avoid Prepped Food Shortages and Overages - Case Study

Kathy Wardynski, Syl's Cafe

2:15 PM - 2:35 PM

2:45 PM

Track A: Building Your House of Lean: Standard Work and Effective Communication - Active Learning Session

Laurie Stark, Michigan Technological University
Annelise Doll, Michigan Technological University

2:45 PM - 3:35 PM