Event Title

Workshop Session - The Red Bead Experiment

Presenter Information

Jim Manley, Carlisle Corp.

Start Date

20-5-2019 9:30 AM

End Date

20-5-2019 11:30 AM


About the Presenter:

In 1976, General Motors hired me to work on the assembly line at Willow Run, MI, spot-welding Chevrolets. My career progressed through manufacturing operations in line and staff positions at several different plants and divisions. I retired from my automotive career as Supply Chain Director for Faurecia, NA. In 2012 I was appointed the first Managing Director of the Demmer Center for Business Transformation at Michigan State University. Our program selected MBA and undergraduate students to be “lean apprentices.” They were assigned to work with partner organizations seeking business transformation through lean systems thinking and profound knowledge. In 2016, I accepted the COS Global Director position at Carlisle (NYSE: CSL) working globally to teach, coach, and mentor lean transformation at our four divisions.

During my career with GM, I taught manufacturing process improvement to undergraduates at Eastern Michigan University as an adjunct professor. I had the unique opportunity to learn directly from Dr. W. Edwards Deming as part of his engagement with General Motors. GM selected me to intern at NUMMI, the joint assembly plant venture between GM and Toyota in Fremont, CA. At NUMMI, I learned the Toyota Production System “apprentice style” from the TPS leaders and subject matter experts. At last count, I have taught and coached lean systems thinking in 30 countries over three decades.

Erva and I have been married for 39 years. We are blessed with two married children and two grandsons. I am active in my church, local politics, non-profits, and professional organizations. We enjoy our cabin in the summer, any good library, leisurely rides on bike trails with our grandsons, and long walks with Holly St. Nick (our puppy).

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May 20th, 9:30 AM May 20th, 11:30 AM

Workshop Session - The Red Bead Experiment