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An important goal for many mobile platforms---terrestrial, aquatic, or airborne---is reliable, accurate, and on-time sensing of the world around them. The PRIME Lab has been investigating multi-sensor fusion for many applications, including explosive hazard detection and infrastructure inspection, from terrestrial vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). New developments in multi-sensor fusion using radars, imaging sensors, and LIDAR will be discussed that encompass advancements from novel signal processing approaches for mobile ground-penetrating radar to more theoretical approaches for optimal fusion of measurements from multi-modal sensors. This talk will explore the area of sensor-fusion both from a practical, application-focused standpoint and also from a theoretical learning-theory approach to information fusion.


Electrical and Computer Engineering


Special Mobility TechTalks are sponsored by Advanced Power Systems Research Center (APSRC), Keweenaw Research Center (KRC), and Innovation and Industry Engagement Office.

Multi-sensor fusion on mobile platforms



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