Chapter 9: Policy, science and transdisciplinary research: when will it be safe to eat as much fish as desired?

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



This chapter examines a transdisciplinary (TD) research project that included space for stakeholder and decision maker participation. The project, funded by the National Science Foundation, focused on the atmospheric transport of compounds (such as mercury and PCBs) responsible for fish consumption advisories in the Great Lakes region and the systems of governance in place to address this concern. The TD research question pursued in this project, which was “when will it be safe for people in the Great Lakes region to consume as much fish as desired?”, emerged out of a workshop held with community partners soon after the project began. The various challenges that emerged in the framing and execution of this interdisciplinary project and in the execution of its TD component are considered here, along with the value of having natural science and social science researchers collaborate with community partners.

Publisher's Statement

© Kathleen E. Halvorsen, Chelsea Schelly, Robert M. Handler, Erin C. Pischke and Jessie L. Knowlton 2019. Publisher's version of record:

Publication Title

A Research Agenda for Environmental Management
