
Optimal detection in depolarizing media: extension for partially polarized sources

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We clarify and extend in several ways our previous research on the optimal reception of partially polarized waves [ J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 5, 58– 64 ( 1988)]. A more precise discussion is given of various intensities that are measured by a polarimeter in response to a partially polarized wave. It is then shown that previous optimization results for a purely polarized source can be generalized to permit a partially polarized source as well. Closed form solutions, not previously developed, for the extrema of total energy contained in a wave are also pointed out. Four optimization problems are then discussed and compared for the purely and the partially polarized cases. Numerical illustrations are also presented.

Publisher's Statement

© 1992 Optical Society of America. Publisher’s version of record: https://doi.org/10.1364/JOSAA.9.002259

Publication Title

Journal of the Optical Society of America A
