"Spinal fixation system" by Matthew N. Songer, Jeffrey D. Vlahos et al.



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An implantable, spinal, vertebral replacement device comprises a tubular cage for fitting into a space left by a missing vertebral body and for optionally retaining bone graft material. First and second transverse plates are respectively positioned at opposed ends of the tubular cage for supporting the respective cage ends and for pressing a plate face against an adjacent vertebral body in spinal columnsupporting relation. The transverse plates are each joined in transverse relation to at least one vertebral attachment plate which, in use, extends generally parallel to the spine. The vertebral attachment plate defines screw holes for screw securance to at least one vertebral body adjacent to the space. Preferably, one or more vertebral attachment plates are connected to the pair of adjacent vertebral bodies that bracket the space left by the missing vertebral body.

Patent Number

US 6,395,030 B1


Michigan Technological University, Houghton


Pioneer Laboratories, Inc., Marquette, both of MI (US)

Application Number


Date Filed


Certificate of Correction


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Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering | Engineering


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Spinal fixation system



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