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A cooling module for an electric devise includes a body having formed therein a plurality of channels, a micro-structured boiling surface, a piezoelectric transducer, an inlet header, and an outlet header. Each channel of the plurality of channels is defined by a first channel surface and opposing lateral channel surfaces cooperatively defining a rectangular cross section normal to a channel axis The micro-structured boiling surface is positioned adjacent the first channel surface of each channel. The piezoelectric transducer is in acoustic communication with one of the opposing lateral channel surfaces of each channel and configured to direct acoustic waves on the micro-structured boiling surface. The inlet header is in fluid communication with each channel of the plurality of channels. The outlet header is in fluid communication with each channel of the plurality of channels.

Patent Number

US 12,010,816 B2


Michigan Technological University

Application Number


Date Filed


Certificate of Correction


Issue Date



Mechanical Engineering


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Nucleation Control System and Method Leading to Enhanced Boiling Based on Electric Cooling



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