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A sensor comprising a membrane containing bacteriorhodopsin. In one embodiment, the sensor comprises a layer of purple membrane between a first and a second electrode, wherein the electrodes are connected to a circuit such that a signal is produced when a charge is transferred across the membrane. In another embodiment, the sensor comprises a field effect transistor with a layer of purple membrane deposited on the gate. The layer of purple membrane may be further functionalized by adding fluorophores to the layer of purple membrane. The fluorophores may be deposited adjacent to the layer of purple membrane, or the fluorophores may be attached to the layer of purple membrane with linkages. The fluorophores or linkages between the fluorophores and the purple membrane may be functionalized with receptors to produce sensors for targeted chemical or biological species.

Patent Number

US 8,551,407 B2


Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI (US)

Application Number


Date Filed


Certificate of Correction


Issue Date



Biochemical and Biomolecular Engineering | Engineering | Membrane Science


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Bacteriorhodopsin-based sensors



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