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A visual display including a container, liquidous fluid within the container, a source of gaseous fluid communicating with the liquidous fluid, and at least one binary bubble formed within the liquidous fluid in response to gaseous fluid entering the liquidous fluid. The liquidous fluid is preferably a polymer in water solution or a polymer in mineral oil or silicon oil solution. The binary bubble has two bulbous portions in fluid communication with each other through a neck. The binary bubbles may link together in a chain extending from the bottom of the container to the top of the liquidous fluid. In other constructions, the binary bubbles float up through the liquidous fluid and collapse into a large individual bubble. The display may also include a light emitting source and a filter for selectively changing the color of light emitted into the container.

Patent Number

US 6,865,833 B2


Board of Control of Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI (US)

Application Number


Date Filed


Certificate of Correction


Issue Date





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Visual display including linked bubbles

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Engineering Commons



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