"Method for removal of ammonia from fly ash" by Jiann-Yang Hwang



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A method for removing ammonia and ammonia compounds from fly ash and other combustion by-products is provided. The method may be performed with raw or processed fly ash, or it may be performed in conjunction with a wet beneficiation process. The method involves mixing the ammonia-contaminated fly ash with water and then filtering and/or drying the solution to remove the ammonia and water. The method produces fly ash having an ammonia content of less than about 60-80 ppm, which allows the fly ash to be utilized in a number of applications.

Patent Number

US 6,290,066 B1


Board of Control of Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI (US)

Application Number


Date Filed


Certificate of Correction


Issue Date



Chemical Engineering | Engineering


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Method for removal of ammonia from fly ash



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