TeV Analysis of a Source-rich Region with the HAWC Observatory: Is HESS J1809-193 a Potential Hadronic PeVatron?


A. Albert, Los Alamos National Laboratory
R. Alfaro, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
C. Alvarez, Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
J. C. Arteaga-Velázquez, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
D. Avila Rojas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
R. Babu, Michigan Technological University
E. Belmont-Moreno, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
A. Bernal, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
M. Breuhaus, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
K. S. Caballero-Mora, Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
T. Capistrán, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
A. Carramiñana, Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica Optica y Electronica
S. Casanova, Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
J. Cotzomi, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
E. De la Fuente, Universidad de Guadalajara
D. Depaoli, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
N. Di Lalla, Stanford University
R. Diaz Hernandez, Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica Optica y Electronica
B. L. Dingus, Los Alamos National Laboratory
M. A. DuVernois, UW-Madison College of Engineering
C. Espinoza, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
K. L. Fan, University of Maryland, College Park
K. Fang, UW-Madison College of Engineering
B. Fick, Michigan Technological University
N. Fraija, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
J. A. García-González, Tecnológico de Monterrey
F. Garfias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
A. Gonzalez Muñoz, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
M. M. González, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
J. A. Goodman, University of Maryland, College Park
S. Groetsch, Michigan Technological University

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HESS J1809-193 is an unidentified TeV source, first detected by the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) collaboration. The emission originates in a source-rich region that includes several supernova remnants (SNRs) and pulsars including SNR G11.1+0.1, SNR G11.0-0.0, and the young radio pulsar PSR J1809-1917. Originally classified as a pulsar wind nebula candidate, recent studies show the peak of the TeV region overlapping with a system of molecular clouds. This resulted in the revision of the original leptonic scenario to look for alternate hadronic scenarios. Marked as a potential PeVatron candidate, this region has been studied extensively by H.E.S.S. due to its emission extending up to several tens of TeV. In this work, we use 2398 days of data from the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory to carry out a systematic source search of the HESS J1809-193 region. We were able to resolve emission detected as an extended component (modelled as a symmetric Gaussian with a 1σ radius of 0.°21) with no clear cutoff at high energies and emitting photons up to 210 TeV. We model the multiwavelength observations for the region around HESS J1809-193 using a time-dependent leptonic model and a lepto-hadronic model. Our model indicates that both scenarios could explain the observed data within the region of HESS J1809-193.

Publication Title

Astrophysical Journal
