A locking-free mixed enriched Galerkin method of arbitrary order for linear elasticity using the stress–displacement formulation

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In this paper, we develop an arbitrary-order locking-free enriched Galerkin method for the linear elasticity problem using the stress–displacement formulation in both two and three dimensions. The method is based on the mixed discontinuous Galerkin method in Wang et al. (2020), but with a different stress approximation space that enriches the arbitrary order continuous Galerkin space with some piecewise symmetric-matrix valued polynomials. The enriched Galerkin method maintains locking-free property of the mixed discontinuous Galerkin method in Wang et al. (2020), but has fewer degrees of freedom for commonly used and appropriately high orders. We present some numerical examples in two and three dimensions to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Publication Title

Applied Mathematics Letters
