Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Department of Computer Science


Traditional encryption methods cannot defend against coercive attacks in which the adversary captures both the user and the possessed computing device, and forces the user to disclose the decryption keys. Plausibly deniable encryption (PDE) has been designed to defend against this strong coercive attacker. At its core, PDE allows the victim to plausibly deny the very existence of hidden sensitive data and the corresponding decryption keys upon being coerced. Designing an efficient PDE system for a mobile platform, however, is challenging due to various design constraints bound to the mobile systems. Leveraging image steganography and the built-in hardware security feature of mobile devices, namely TrustZone, we have designed a Simple Mobile Plausibly Deniable Encryption (SMPDE) system which can combat coercive adversaries and, meanwhile, is able to overcome unique design constraints. In our design, the encoding/decoding process of image steganography is bounded together with Arm TrustZone. In this manner, the coercive adversary will be given a decoy key, which can only activate a DUMMY trusted application that will instead sanitize the sensitive information stored hidden in the stego-image upon decoding. On the contrary, the actual user can be given the true key, which can activate the PDE trusted application that can really extract the sensitive information from the stego-image upon decoding. Security analysis and experimental evaluation justify both the security and the efficiency of our design.

Publisher's Statement

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Publication Title

SaT-CPS 2024 - Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems



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