Enhanced insights into paired droplet evaporation dynamics on heated substrates: Unveiling the role of convection and diffusion

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Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics


This study aims to examine the evaporation characteristics of single and multiple droplets on a heated substrate. By utilizing a multi-syringe pump, deionized water droplets were precisely deposited on a copper substrate, ensuring uniformity and accuracy in the experimental setup. The shadowgraph technique was instrumental in determining the droplet contact angle and volume with exceptional clarity and precision. This work numerically predicted the vapor distribution and local evaporation flux across the liquid-air interface. A critical assessment of the role of natural convection at varying substrate temperatures was performed by contrasting diffusion-only cases with those incorporating both diffusion and convection. The findings reveal that the droplet pinning motion remains unchanged across different distances between droplets and various substrate temperatures, indicating that neither vapor accumulation nor substrate temperature significantly influences the behavior of the contact line. Notably, the study identifies a reduction in the evaporation rate of closely positioned paired droplets, related to a shielding effect. However, with increasing substrate temperature, the role of natural convection was found to become more pronounced, effectively reducing the overall evaporation time for both single and paired droplets, thus facilitating a quicker evaporation process.

Publication Title

International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
