Exploring Approaches for Teaching Cybersecurity and AI for K-12

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



College of Computing


As cybersecurity and AI become increasingly important, introducing these subjects to younger learners is critical. However, limited attention spans pose challenges for primary and secondary school students when learning these complex topics. By employing tools such as drones and Raspberry Pis, students can actively engage in learning cybersecurity and AI knowledge. This paper investigates the instructional benefits of Raspberry Pi and Drone platforms in K-12 education. The integration of hands-on activities through Raspberry Pi and Drone for Cybersecurity and AI content was implemented and evaluated at GenCyber summer camps in Michigan Technological University. The findings highlight the GoPiGo drone and Raspberry Pi as efficient instructional tools for teaching cybersecurity and AI to this age group. Additionally, hands-on tasks are essential for reinforcing understanding and maintaining student interest.

Publication Title

2023 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW)
