Explore a selection of works produced by the Michigan Technological University community.


Works from 2013


Heat transfer gallery, Kenneth D. Kihm, Chang K. Choi, and David M. Pratt


Correlations of non-vaporizing spray penetration for 3000 bar diesel spray injection, Jaclyn Johnson, Jeffrey Naber, Seong Young Lee, Gary Hunter, Russell Truemner, and Tony Harcombe


Influence of the nozzle geometry of a diesel single-hole injector on liquid and vapor phase distributions at engine-like conditions, Alessandro Montanaro, Luigi Allocca, Jaclyn Johnson, Seong Young Lee, Jeffrey Naber, and Anqi Zhang


A new in vitro–in vivo correlation for bioabsorbable magnesium stents from mechanical behavior, Patrick Bowen, Jaroslaw W. Drelich, and Jeremy Goldman


Projected effect of 2000-2050 changes in climate and emissions on aerosol levels in China and associated transboundary transport, H. Jiang, H. Liao, H. O.T. Pye, S. Wu, L. J. Mickley, J. H. Seinfeld, and X. Y. Zhang


Advances in Mg corrosion and research suggestions, Andrej Atrens, Guang Ling Song, Fuyong Cao, Zhiming Shi, and Patrick K. Bowen


Implications of cutthroat trout declines for breeding ospreys and bald eagles at Yellowstone Lake, Lisa M. Baril, Douglas W. Smith, Thomas Drummer, and Todd M. Koel


The mesoproterozoic copperwood sedimentary rock-hosted stratiform copper deposit, upper Peninsula, MI, Theodore J. Bornhorst and William C. Williams


A low cost, wireless embedded sensor for moisture monitoring in hard-to-access places, Andrew J. DeRouin, Steven J. Trierweiler, Brandon D. Pereles, Benjamin Lippi, and Keat Ghee Ong


Engineering for surface performance, Jaroslaw Drelich


Verification of Wave Measurement Systems, Mark E. Luther, Guy Meadows, Earle Buckley, Sherryl A. Gilbert, Heidi Purcell, and Mario N. Tamburri


The stand: Revisiting a central concept in forestry, Kevin L. O'Hara and Linda M. Nagel


AB initio study of different probable structures of group III antimonides, Anoop Pandey, Apoorva Dwivedi, Saikat Mukhopadhyay, and Neeraj Misra


Application of the hybrid ABV procedure for assessing community risk to hurricanes spatially, Sangki Park, John W. van de Lindt, and Yue Li


Do islamic banks employ less earnings management?, Majdi A. Quttainah, Liang Song, and Qiang Wu


Waveform inversion of shallow repetitive long period events at Villarrica Volcano, Chile, Joshua P. Richardson and Gregory P. Waite


History and mineralogy of the St. Louis mine, houghton county, Michigan, Tom Rosemeyer


Investigating the effect of construction management strategies on project greenhouse gas emissions using interactive simulation, Pei Tang, Darrell Cass, and Amlan Mukherjee


Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry in metabolomics: The potential for driving drug discovery and development, Xu Wang, Kefeng Li, Erwin Adams, and Ann Van Schepdael


Life-cycle economic analysis of distributed manufacturing with open-source 3-D printers, B. T. Wittbrodt, A. G. Glover, J. Laureto, G. C. Anzalone, D. Oppliger, J. L. Irwin, and J. M. Pearce


On the complexity of adding convergence, Alex Klinkhamer and Ali Ebnenasir


Framing sustainability: Business students writing about the environment, Maureen A. Mathison, Natalie Stillman-Webb, and Sarah Bell


Detection of coherent groups of generators and the need for system separation using synchrophasor data, Muhammad Ali, Bruce A. Mork, Leonard J. Bohmann, and Laura E. Brown


Stacking and electric field effects in atomically thin layers of GaN, Dongwei Xu, Haiying He, Ravindra Pandey, and Shashi P. Karna


Using an interactive schedule simulation platform to assess and improve contingency management strategies, Pei Tang, Amlan Mukherjee, and Nilufer Onder


3D honeycomb-like structured graphene and its high efficiency as a counter-electrode catalyst for dye-sensitized solar cells, Hui Wang, Kai Sun, Franklin Tao, Dario J. Stacchiola, and Yun Hang Hu


Reconstruction of long horizontal-path images under anisoplanatic conditions using multiframe blind deconvolution, Glen E. Archer, Jeremy P. Bos, and Michael Roggemann


Compressive sensing based data collection in VANETs, Congyi Liu, Chunxiao Chigan, and Chunming Gao


STCP2: Short-time certificate-based privacy protection for vehicular ad hoc networks, Zhengming Li, Chunxiao Chigan, and Chunming Gao


Characterization of selective oxidation catalysts from polyoxometalate precursors using ammonia adsorption microcalorimetry and methanol oxidation studies, Suresh Bommineni, Michael D. Skoglund, Allen R. Morris, Eric J. Doskocil, and Joseph H. Holles


Modeling cold region ground temperatures with a heat flux upper boundary model, Yinghong Qin, Jacob E. Hiller, and Ting Bao


Foreword for special issue of JGLR on remote sensing, Robert Shuchman and George Leshkevich


New airborne retrieval approach for trade wind cumulus properties under overlying cirrus, F. Werner, H. Siebert, P. Pilewskie, T. Schmeissner, R. A. Shaw, and M. Wendisch


Glycosylated aniline polymer sensor: Amine to imine conversion on protein-carbohydrate binding, Zhe Wang, Chunyan Sun, Giri Vegesna, Haiying Liu, Yang Liu, Jinghong Li, and Xiangqun Zeng


Fabrication and characterization of a nitric oxide-releasing nanofibrous gelatin matrix, Caleb Vogt, Qi Xing, Weilue He, Bowen Li, Megan C. Frost, and Feng Zhao


Fast thermal analysis on GPU for 3D ICs with integrated microchannel cooling, Zhuo Feng and Peng Li


Scalable single linkage hierarchical clustering for big data, Timothy C. Havens, James C. Bezdek, and Marimuthu Palaniswami


Dual nature of hydrogen combustion knock, Stanislaw Szwaja and Jeffrey D. Naber


Evaporation, two phase flow, and thermal transport in porous media with application to low-temperature fuel cells, Ezequiel F. Médici and Jeffrey S. Allen


Dielectrophoretic assembly of carbon nanotubes and stability analysis, Libao An and Craig Friedrich


Predictive power of principal components for single-index model and sufficient dimension reduction, Andreas Artemiou and Bing Li


Implication of the VirD4 coupling protein of the Lvh type 4 secretion system in virulence phenotypes of Legionella pneumophila, Purnima Bandyopadhyay, Elza A.S. Lang, Komal S. Rasaputra, and Howard M. Steinman


Fundamental aspects of H < inf> 2 S adsorption on CPO-27-Ni, Sachin Chavan, Francesca Bonino, Loredana Valenzano, Bartolomeo Civalleri, Carlo Lamberti, Nadia Acerbi, Jasmina H. Cavka, Matthias Leistner, and Silvia Bordiga


Coarse and fine "fish hook" inflections in hydrocyclone efficiency curves, T. C. Eisele, C. H.N. Jeltema, H. Walqui, and S. K. Kawatra


A life cycle assessment of pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) -derived jet fuel and diesel, Jiqing Fan, David Shonnard, Tom N. Kalnes, Peter B. Johnsen, and Serin Rao


Dispersant adsorption and effects on settling behavior of iron ore, Howard J. Haselhuhn


Impact of aging mechanism on model simulated carbonaceous aerosols, Y. Huang, S. Wu, M. K. Dubey, and N. H.F. French


Paleomagnetism of ~1.09 Ga Lake Shore Traps (Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan): New results and implications, Evgeniy V. Kulakov, Aleksey V. Smirnov, and Jimmy F. Diehl


Latitudinal variation in body size of Agrilus planipennis and relationship with fecundity, Jordan M. Marshall, Molly A. Miller, Jonathan P. Lelito, and Andrew J. Storer


Design of Double-layer Ceramic Absorbers for Microwave Heating, Zhiwei Peng, Jiann-Yang Hwang, and Matthew Andriese


Predicting exotic earthworm distribution in the northern Great Lakes region, Lindsey M. Shartell, Erik A. Lilleskov, and Andrew J. Storer


Surfactant addition to alkali solutions for increased carbon dioxide absorption rates, Brett P. Spigarelli


Study of organic and inorganic binders on strength of iron oxide pellets, Urvashi Srivastava, S. K. Kawatra, and Timothy Eisele


Identification, characterization of an AP2/ERF transcription factor that promotes adventitious, lateral root formation in Populus, Dalila Trupiano, Yordan Yordanov, Sharon Regan, Richard Meilan, Timothy Tschaplinski, Gabriella Stefania Scippa, and Victor Busov


Sensitivity of surface ozone over China to 2000-2050 global changes of climate and emissions, Yuxuan Wang, Lulu Shen, Shiliang Wu, Loretta Mickley, Jingwei He, and Jiming Hao


The Internet and other ICTs as tools and catalysts for sustainable development: Innovation for 21st century, Ivana Zelenika and Joshua M. Pearce


Structural and electronic properties of CuI doped with Zn, Ga and Al, Jiajie Zhu, Mu Gu, and Ravindra Pandey


Large eddy simulation of high gas density effects in fuel sprays, O. Kaario, V. Vuorinen, T. Hulkkonen, K. Keskinen, M. Nuutinen, M. Larmi, and F. X. Tanner


All the stabilizer codes of distance 3, Sixia Yu, Jurgen Bierbrauer, Ying Dong, Qing Chen, and C. H. Oh


Minimalist model of ice microphysics in mixed-phase stratiform clouds, Fan Yang, Mikhail Ovchinnikov, and Raymond Shaw


Engineering antiphagocytic biomimetic drug carriers, Alicia J. Sawdon and Ching An Peng


Atomic-scale observation of lithiation reaction front in nanoscale SnO < inf> 2 materials, Anmin Nie, Li Yong Gan, Yingchun Cheng, Hasti Asayesh-Ardakani, Qianqian Li, Cezhou Dong, Runzhe Tao, Farzad Mashayek, Hong Tao Wang, Udo Schwingenschlögl, Robert F. Klie, and Reza S. Yassar


Design of multifunctional energetic structural composites: A preliminary study on an epoxy-rubber matrix with exothermic mixture reinforcements, Emin Bayraktar, Diana Zaimova, Ming Jen Tan, and Ibrahim Miskioglu


Facilitating the design of fault tolerance in transaction level SystemC programs, Ali Ebnenasir, Reza Hajisheykhi, and Sandeep S. Kulkarni


Manufacturing and damage analysis of epoxy resin-reinforced scrap rubber composites for aeronautical applications, D. Zaimova, E. Bayraktar, I. Miskioglu, and N. Dishovsky


Leveraging the crowd: How 48,000 users helped improve Lync performance, Robert Musson, Jacqueline Richards, Danyel Fisher, Christian Bird, Brian Bussone, and Sandipan Ganguly


Automated Methods to Determine Electrospun Fiber Alignment and Diameter Using the Radon Transform, Nicholas J. Schaub, Sean J. Kirkpatrick, and Ryan J. Gilbert


Effect of CO2 inhibition on biogenic isoprene emission: Implications for air quality under 2000 to 2050 changes in climate, vegetation, and land use, Amos P.K. Tai, Loretta J. Mickley, Colette L. Heald, and Shiliang Wu


Shape-anisotropic Particles at Curved Fluid Interfaces and Role of Laplace pressure: A computational study, Tian Le Cheng and Yu U. Wang


Optical-electrical printed wiring board for high-speed computing applications, Joseph Dingeldein, Kevin L. Kruse, Casey Demars, Christopher Middlebrook, Craig Friedrich, and Michael Roggemann


Scalable vectorless power grid current integrity verification, Zhuo Feng


Morphological and genetic variation within and among four Quercus petraea and Q. robur natural populations, Cengiz Yücedaǧ and Oliver Gailing


Climate change impacts on california’s water resources, Ali Mirchi, Kaveh Madani, Maurice Roos, David W. Watkins, and David Watkins


Phase field modeling of current density distribution and effective electrical conductivity in complex microstructures, Yongmei M. Jin


Preparation of a magnetically recoverable biocatalyst support on monodisperse Fe < inf> 3 O < inf> 4 nanoparticles, Qikun Zhang, Xiaotong Han, and Bo Tang


Orthogonal projection and liftings of Hamilton-decomposable Cayley graphs on abelian groups, Brian Alspach, Cafer Caliskan, and Donald L. Kreher


Cost analysis of forest biomass supply chain logistics, Dalia Abbas, Robert Handler, Dennis Dykstra, Bruce Hartsough, and Pasi Lautala


The proportion of three foundation plant species and their genotypes influence an arthropod community: Restoration implications for the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher, Randy Bangert, Sharon M. Ferrier, Luke Evans, Karla Kennedy, Kevin C. Grady, Erika Hersch-Green, Gerard J. Allan, and Thomas G. Whitham


Using M-E PDG to study the effectiveness of electronic waste materials modification on asphalt pavements design thickness, Baron W. Colbert, Aboelkasim Diab, and Zhanping You


Process characterization for direct dispense fabrication of polymer optical multi-mode waveguides, Joseph C. Dingeldein, Karl A. Walczak, Brandon W. Swatowski, Craig R. Friedrich, Christopher T. Middlebrook, and Michael C. Roggemann


A weighted measurement fusion kalman filter implementation for UAV navigation, Shu Ting Goh, Ossama Abdelkhalik, and Seyed A. Zekavat


Evaluation of hardboard manufacturing process wastewater as a feedstream for ethanol production, Stephanie Groves, Jifei Liu, David Shonnard, and Susan T. Bagley


Electronic structure, photocatalytic properties and phonon dispersions of X-doped (X = N, B and Pt) rutile TiO < inf> 2 from density functional theory, Prafulla K. Jha, Sanjeev K. Gupta, and Igor Lukačević


Generation of statin drug metabolites through electrochemical and enzymatic oxidations, Smriti Khera and Na Hu


The power distribution network expansion planning based on stackelberg minimum weight K-star game, Chen Liao, Jia Wang, and Shiyan Hu


The Effects of Break Point Location and Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size on Porous Asphalt Properties, Mohd Rosli Mohd Hasan, Jia Yih Eng, Meor Othman Hamzah, and J. L.M. Voskuilen


Light absorption properties of southeastern Bering Sea waters: Analysis, parameterization and implications for remote sensing, Puneeta Naik, Eurico J. D'Sa, Helga do R. Gomes, Joaquim I. Goés, and Colleen B. Mouw


Quantifying the impact of BOReal forest fires on Tropospheric oxidants over the Atlantic using Aircraft and Satellites (BORTAS) experiment: Design, execution and science overview, P. I. Palmer, M. Parrington, J. D. Lee, A. C. Lewis, A. R. Rickard, P. F. Bernath, T. J. Duck, D. L. Waugh, D. W. Tarasick, R. C. Owen, and et. al.


Comparative modal tests of a violin, M. Pyrkosz and C. Van Karsen


Initial turnover rates of two standard wood substrates following land-use change in subalpine ecosystems in the Swiss Alps, Anita C. Risch, Martin F. Jurgensen, Deborah S. Page-Dumroese, and Martin Schütz


Preparing for climate change: Forestry and assisted migration, Mary I. Williams and R. Kasten Dumroese


The student-citizen and study abroad, Roger Williams, Thomas Kuzmic, and Blair D. Orr


Constitutively elevated salicylic acid levels alter photosynthesis and oxidative state but not growth in transgenic Populus, Liang Jiao Xue, Wenbing Guo, Yinan Yuan, Edward O. Anino, Batbayar Nyamdari, Mark C. Wilson, Christopher J. Frost, Han Yi Chen, Benjamin A. Babst, Scott A. Harding, and Chung Jui Tsai


Performance evaluation of asphalt binder modified by bio-oil generated from waste wood resources, Xu Yang, Zhanping You, and Qingli Dai


Polynomial analogues of Ramanujan congruences for Han's hooklength formula, William Keith


Ptr-miR397a is a negative regulator of laccase genes affecting lignin content in Populus trichocarpa, Shanfa Lu, Quanzi Li, Hairong Wei, Mao Ju Chang, Sermsawat Tunlaya-Anukit, Hoon Kim, Jie Liu, Jingyuan Song, Ying Hsuan Sun, Lichai Yuan, Ting Feng Yeh, Ilona Peszlen, John Ralph, Ronald R. Sederoff, and Vincent L. Chiang


What the Inbred Scandinavian Wolf Population Tells Us about the Nature of Conservation, Jannikke Räikkönen, John A. Vucetich, Leah M. Vucetich, Rolf O. Peterson, and Michael P. Nelson


Short Tandem Target Mimic: A Long Journey to the Engineered Molecular Landmine for Selective Destruction/Blockage of MicroRNAs in Plants and Animals, Guiliang Tang and Xiaoqing Tang


Differences in growth, survival and phenology in Quercus rubra and Q. ellipsoidalis seedlings, Oliver Gailing


Differences among Juniperus excelsa populations as revealed at morphological traits, Cengiz Yücedaǧ and Oliver Gailing