Oscillator strengths, Landé g values, and hyperfine structure for 3d < sup> 4 J=0→3d < sup> 3 4p J=1 transitions in Fe V

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Relativistic configuration-interaction (RCI) calculations with ∼15 000 vectors have been done for f values, Landé g values, and hyperfine structure constants for Fe V. There is at least a factor of 2 improvement over our earlier achievable accuracies (Nb II). The 21 largest f values (> 0.01) have an average length-velocity gauge difference of 6.7%, and the average error in the energy differences between adjacent levels is 213 (180) cm-1 for even- (odd-) parity levels. We find significant f value differences as compared to recent values from Breit-Pauli R-matrix calculations, and, to a lesser extent, as compared to older semiempirical f values. Oscillator strengths to three nearly degenerate odd-parity levels are sensitive to errors smaller than 200 cm-1, but the sum is conserved, as expected. ©2001 The American Physical Society.

Publication Title

Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
