Rate of sawtimber volume and value growth of individual sugar maple trees in managed, uneven-aged stands in the lake states

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While volume growth of individual sawtimber trees is dependent on changes in diameter and merchantable height, value growth is dependent on these along with changes in tree quality, the quality of logs recovered from the tree, and market prices. For sugar maple and other northern hardwood species, quality development is at least as important as biological growth in determining value growth, making development of silvicultural prescriptions and marking guidelines complex but extremely important for maximizing returns. This paper utilizes projection methods from the literature to develop expected rates of biological and value growth for sugar maple in managed, uneven-aged forests. These rates are presented by 2 in. diameter class and one-half 16 ft log merchantable height classes. Based on the models, the projected rate of biological growth increases with tree diameter and decreases with merchantable height. The rate of value growth generally increases with tree diameter and decreases with merchantable height, but the relationships with tree grade are complex.

Publication Title

Northern Journal of Applied Forestry
