"Structure and stability of Mg-intercalated boron nanotubes and crystal" by Kah Chun Lau, Roberto Orlando et al.

Structure and stability of Mg-intercalated boron nanotubes and crystalline bundles

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First principles calculations based on density functional theory predict a highly selective adsorption site for Mg atoms and negligible preference for the growth of Mg islands on the tubular surface of Mg-intercalated (small diameter) boron nanotubes, thereby establishing the criterion for understanding the growth mechanism of single-walled boron nanotubes (SWBNTs) supported by magnesium. On the other hand, the Mg-SWBNT bundles can be considered as an 'electrostatic' bound system consisting of partially ionized Mg and partially ionized tubules. The metallic character of the tubular Mg-B bundles is then attributed to boron atoms forming a metallic wire, while the role of Mg atoms is limited in enhancing the stability of the crystalline bundles. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.

Publication Title

Journal of Physics Condensed Matter
