A sensitivity analysis method for water distribution system tank siting for energy savings

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© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Energy savings in water distribution system (WDS) pumping can save the municipality money and reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. A straightforward method is introduced here that allows any WDS manager to determine source-tank location and connectivity that minimizes pumping energy usage. The method is demonstrated on twelve diverse WDSs to investigate whether less pumping energy is used by having the tank at four key locations. It was found that the new method worked well and identified that having the tank near to the system and connected directly to the source saves pumping energy in all of the WDSs analyzed. If the initial cost of relocating the tank for existing systems or locating the tank near to the source in new systems is less than the cost of energy savings over the lifetime of the tank, then having the tank near to the source is financially worth it.

Publication Title

Urban Water Journal
