On the size of a random sphere of influence graph

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We approach sphere of influence graphs (SIGs) from a probabilistic perspective. Ordinary SIGs were first introduced by Toussaint as a type of proximity graph for use in pattern recognition, computer vision and other low-level vision tasks. A random sphere of influence graph (RSIG) is constructed as follows. Consider n points uniformly and independently distributed within the unit square in d dimensions. Around each point, Xf, draw an open ball ('sphere of influence') with radius equal to the distance to Xi's nearest neighbour. Finally, draw an edge between two points if their spheres of influence intersect. Asymptotically exact values for the expected number of edges in a RSIG are determined for all values of d; previously, just upper and lower bounds were known for this quantity. A modification of the Azuma-Hoeffding exponential inequality is employed to exhibit the sharp concentration of the number of edges around its expected value. © Applied Probability Trust 1999.

Publication Title

Advances in Applied Probability
