"Tell Me Your Business: Assessing the Teaching Needs of Undergraduate B" by Nora Allred, Lauren Movlai et al.

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College of Business; J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library


Academic libraries often fill a variety of roles in response to the needs of teaching and research faculty while simultaneously navigating a rapidly changing information landscape. As higher education embraces students’ desire for active learning, experiential learning, and service learning, the support needs of teaching faculty also change. In the spirit of providing high-quality, relevant support, librarians at Michigan Technological University partnered with Ithaka S+R to explore the evolving teaching needs of Business Faculty. Nine faculty members from Michigan Tech's School of Business and Economics were interviewed, and interviews were coded and analyzed. Major themes identified included: students' information and data literacies, course materials selection and creation, course materials access, software training, and new faculty engagement. Analysis of interviews through the lens of these themes revealed a number of opportunities for the library to better target its teaching support to the specific needs of business faculty.

Publisher's Statement

This work was produced as part of an Ithaka S+R study.

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