Superhydrophilic Surfaces for Antifogging and Antifouling Microfluidic Devices

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Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics


Superhydrophilic surfaces are investigated for their potential to provide antifogging and antifouling properties for microfluidic devices. Two types of exemplary superhydrophilic surfaces are prepared, including polyester films treated by oxygen plasma and indium tin oxide-coated glasses treated by an electrochemical method. The superhydrophilicity of the treated surfaces presented herein is confirmed by their near-zero water contact angles. Their corresponding antifogging and antifouling capability is examined. The fluorescence microscopic study has confirmed the significantly reduced adhesion of the fluorescein and fluorescent proteins after the surfaces are treated to be superhydrophilic, indicating their potential for antifouling applications. The degradation of the superhydrophilicity under different humidity conditions is also investigated.

Publisher's Statement

© 2010 The Association for Laboratory Automation.

Publication Title

JALA: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation
