Infrared dipole-coupled bolometer response on a hemispherical silicon immersion lens
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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Response of an infrared (λ = 10.6 μm) dipole antenna-coupled bolometer fabricated at the center of the flat side of a hemispherical silicon immersion lens is presented. Predicted and measured antenna patterns as well as the ratio of power from the lens-side to the air-side are provided as a function of illumination F/#. The power-division ratio, Φlens/Φair, is shown to be given by the square root of the lens dielectric constant, ε{lunate}Si1 / 2 = 3.4, for F/# larger than F/2 whereas as F/# decreases to F/1 the ratio increases to 5 due to off-axis features in the radiation pattern.
Publication Title
Infrared Physics and Technology
Recommended Citation
Lail, B.,
Middlebrook, C.,
Krenz, P.,
Boreman, G.
Infrared dipole-coupled bolometer response on a hemispherical silicon immersion lens.
Infrared Physics and Technology,
52(2-3), 89-96.
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