A screw dislocation in a functionally graded material using the translation gauge theory of dislocations

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Department of Physics


The aim of this paper is to provide new results and insights for a screw dislocation in functionally graded media within the gauge theory of dislocations. We present the equations of motion for dislocations in inhomogeneous media. We specify the equations of motion for a screw dislocation in a functionally graded material. The material properties are assumed to vary exponentially along the x and y-directions. In the present work we give the analytical gauge field theoretic solution to the problem of a screw dislocation in inhomogeneous media. Using the dislocation gauge approach, rigorous analytical expressions for the elastic distortions, the force stresses, the dislocation density and the pseudomoment stresses are obtained depending on the moduli of gradation and an effective intrinsic length scale characteristic for the functionally graded material under consideration.

Publication Title

International Journal of Solids and Structures
