Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
The new electricity grid of the future, smart grid, can be seen as the interconnection of multiple microgrids. These microgrids are usually composed of distributed energy resources (DERs) that connect to each other in different topologies. Therefore, the modeling and control of meshed microgrids are requisite. This paper presents a mathematical approach for the modeling and decentralized control of multi-DER isolated microgrids (ImGs) with a meshed topology. Based on the advanced control scheme: Hamiltonian surface shaping and power flow control (HSSPFC), decentralized controllers are designed independently using only local information. These controllers regulate the voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC) of their respective DERs and guarantee the stability of the overall ImG without requiring any communication infrastructure; hence, avoiding a single point of failure and harvesting the scalability of the ImG.
Publication Title
Energy Procedia
Recommended Citation
Toub, M.,
Robinett, R.,
Maaroufi, M.,
Aniba, G.
Decentralized Hamiltonian control of multi-DEr isolated microgrids with meshed topology.
Energy Procedia,
157, 1253-1265.
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