"Nanobiomaterial advances in cardiovascular tissue engineering" by Michael J. Hill, Morteza Mahmoudi et al.

Nanobiomaterial advances in cardiovascular tissue engineering

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics; Department of Biomedical Engineering


Myocardial infarction (MI) is projected to increase globally in the coming decades. The long-term outlook for patients with ischemic heart injury undergoing current treatment modalities is bleak, due to the lack of regenerative capacity of native heart tissue. Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine have developed numerous strategies to repair or replace injured myocardium. One of the most promising strategies to date is the attempt to engineer tissues and cells at the nanoscale by utilizing nanobiomaterials to mimic the native nanoscale structure of the heart. Nanobiomaterials have proliferated enormously in the past few decades and have great potential for creating biomimetic systems that can replace or repair injured myocardium. Tissue engineering scaffolds with precisely controlled nanotopography, electrically conductive nanomaterials with the potential for mimicking conductive pathways in the heart, and numerous nanocarriers for targeted cardiac drug delivery have now been achieved. In this chapter we review the rationale for engineering biological tissues at the nanoscale as well as recent applications in nanofabrication and nanomedicine for cardiac regeneration.

Publisher's Statement

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. Publisher’s version of record: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20047-3_5

Publication Title

Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine
