"Pilot Scale Evaluation of a Two-Stage, Low-Cost Low-Tech Class A Bioso" by Karina Eyre, Tanner Keyzers et al.

Pilot Scale Evaluation of a Two-Stage, Low-Cost Low-Tech Class A Biosolids Treatment Process

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering


Many water resource recovery facilities (WRRF) currently producing Class B biosolids are interested in upgrading to Class A biosolids production. However, the conventional treatment technologies approved for Class A biosolids are often beyond the means of many small WRRFs. Low-cost, low-tech (LCLT) options for producing Class A biosolids are available. However, widespread adoption of...

Publisher's Statement

© 2018. Publisher’s version of record: https://accesswater.org/?id=-299874

Publication Title

Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation
