Man and computer: Computer applications in medicine

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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


The second international conference L'Homme et l'Informatique (Man and Computer) was held in Bordeaux, France, under the sponsorship of L'Institut de la Vie (The Institute of Life) of Paris, during 11-16 September 1972. Of approximately 120 computer scientists and engineers and computer users (educators, physicians, sociologists, economists, urban planners, etc.) from twenty-one countries attending the conference, thirty were in the group on computer applications in medicine. This group presented and discussed fifteen papers on such topics as "Hospital Information and Data Systems", "Computer Aided Instruction in Medicine", "Computer Applications in Pharmacokinetics", "Computer Aided Diagnosis", "Patient Monitoring", "Computer Aided X-ray Evaluation", and "Social and Moral Implications of the Use of Computers in Medicine". Following the presentation of a report on this work to a plenary session of the conference and a subsequent discussion, the group formulated a final report which included conclusions, prognostications, and resolutions in the above areas.

Publication Title

Computers in Biology and Medicine
