"The safety and chemical engineering education committee-broadening the" by Thomas O. Spicer, Ronald J. Willey et al.

The safety and chemical engineering education committee-broadening the reach of chemical engineering process safety education

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Department of Chemical Engineering


The Safety and Chemical Engineering Education (SAChE) program, initiated in 1992, is a cooperative effort between the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and engineering schools to provide teaching materials and programs that bring elements of process safety into the education of undergraduate and graduate students studying chemical and biochemical products and processes. The SAChE Committee is comprised of representatives from academe and industry in addition to AIChE and CCPS staff with the objective of developing and distributing teaching materials on chemical process safety. In addition to providing a brief history of SAChE, this article summarizes the current major efforts of the Committee including SAChE Products (materials suitable for classroom adaptation distributed through its web site http://www.sache.org), SAChE Faculty Workshops (to introduce faculty to the practice of chemical process safety in an industrial setting), and SAChE Student Safety Certificate Program (materials suitable for self-study currently available through the AIChE eLearning web site http://aiche.learn.com).

Publisher's Statement

© 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Publisher’s version of record: https://doi.org/10.1002/prs.11594

Publication Title

Process Safety Progress
