"Searching for sources of TeV particle dark matter in the southern hemi" by Andrea Albert, K. S. Cabellero-Mora et al.

Searching for sources of TeV particle dark matter in the southern hemisphere

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Department of Physics


Evidence suggests that the majority of the mass in the Universe is dark matter. Many promising models hypothesize that dark matter is a particle that can annihilate or decay and produce secondary gamma rays. Several searches have been performed by GeV and TeV gamma-ray experiments, none of which has detected a definitive signal. The Southern Hemisphere is home to many key dark matter targets, like the dwarf galaxy Reticulum II and the Fornax galaxy cluster. So far, only a few Southern Hemisphere targets have been observed by the current H.E.S.S. observatory due to its limited field of view. A wide field of view survey observatory is needed to probe the many dark matter targets in the Southern Hemisphere. We show that such an observatory would produce competitive, if not the best, limits for dark matter with masses from 100 GeV to PeV. The majority of the material is drawn from Science Case for a Wide Field-of-View Very-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Observatory in the Southern Hemisphere [7]. If you’d like to cite results presented in this white paper, please cite the original paper.

Publisher's Statement

© 2019. Publisher’s version of record: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019BAAS...51c.202A

Publication Title

Astro2020: Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics, science white papers, no. 202
