"Innovative six sigma design using the Eigenvector Dimension-Reduction " by Lee J. Wells, Byeng D. Youn et al.

Innovative six sigma design using the Eigenvector Dimension-Reduction (EDR) method

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics


This paper presents an innovative approach for quality engineering using the Eigenvector Dimension Reduction (EDR) Method. Currently industry relies heavily upon the use of the Taguchi method and Signal to Noise (S/N) ratios as quality indices. However, some disadvantages of the Taguchi method exist such as, its reliance upon samples occurring at specified levels, results to be valid at only the current design point, and its expensiveness to maintain a certain level of confidence. Recently, it has been shown that the EDR method can accurately provide an analysis of variance, similar to that of the Taguchi method, but is not hindered by the aforementioned drawbacks of the Taguchi method. This is evident because the EDR method is based upon fundamental statistics, where the statistical information for each design parameter is used to estimate the uncertainty propagation through engineering systems. Therefore, the EDR method provides much more extensive capabilities than the Taguchi method, such as the ability to estimate not only mean and standard deviation of the response, but also the skewness and kurtosis. The uniqueness of the EDR method is its ability to generate the probability density function (PDF) of system performances. This capability, known as the probabilistic "what-if" study, provides a visual representation of the effects of the design parameters (e.g., its mean and variance) upon the response. In addition, the probabilistic "what-if" study can be applied across multiple design parameters, allowing the analysis of interactions among control factors. Because of these advantages, it is apparent that the EDR method provides an alternative platform of quality engineering to the Taguchi method. For easy execution by field engineers, the proposed platform for quality engineering using the EDR method, known as Quick Quality Quantification (Q 3), will be developed as a Microsoft EXCEL add-in.

Publisher's Statement

Copyright © 2007 SAE International. Publisher’s version of record: https://doi.org/10.4271/2007-01-0799

Publication Title

SAE Technical Papers
