The project emissions estimator (PE-2): A tool to aid contractors and agencies benchmark carbon emissions for highway construction projects

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering


Motivated by the need to address challenges of global climate change, this study develops and implements a project-based life cycle framework that can be used to estimate the carbon footprint for typical construction work-items found in reconstruction, rehabilitation and Capital Preventive Maintenance (CPM) projects. The framework applies existing life cycle assessment methods and inventories. The proposed framework considers the life cycle emissions of products and processes involved in the raw material acquisition and manufacturing phase, and the pavement construction phase. It also accounts for emissions due to vehicular use and maintenance operations during the service life of the pavements. An implementation of the framework is a web-based tool, the Project Emission Estimator (PE-2) that can be used to benchmark the CO 2 footprint of highway construction projects. The research suggests ways of implementing PE-2 tool by contractors and state transportation agencies to benchmark and help reduce the CO2 footprint of highway construction projects.

Publisher's Statement

© 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers. Publisher’s version of record:

Publication Title

ICSDEC 2012: Developing the Frontier of Sustainable Design, Engineering, and Construction - Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Sustainable Design and Construction
