Recycled Ti-Al-Cu Matrix Composites Reinforced with Silicon Whiskers and γ-Alumina (Al2O3) Fibres Through Sintering + Forging

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics


In this study, the microstructural formation and static/dynamic compression behaviour of the recycled Ti-Al-Cu matrix hybrid composites reinforced with silicon whiskers and alumina (Al2O3) fibres are examined. It is intended to be an alternative to traditional alloys/composites used in the aeronautical industry. These composites are generally produced using combined sintering + forging processes. The static and dynamic properties are evaluated in detail, taking into account the relevant scanning electron microscopy (SEM) microstructures, including the distribution of reinforcement elements.

Publication Title

Mechanics of Composite, Hybrid & Multi-functional Materials
