"PuHox52 promotes coordinated uptake of nitrate, phosphate, and iron un" by Ming Wei, Mengqiu Zhang et al.

PuHox52 promotes coordinated uptake of nitrate, phosphate, and iron under nitrogen deficiency in Populus ussuriensis

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College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science


It is of great importance to better understand how trees regulate nitrogen (N) uptake under N deficiency conditions which severely challenge afforestation practices, yet the underlying molecular mechanisms have not been well elucidated. Here, we functionally characterized PuHox52, a Populus ussuriensis HD-ZIP transcription factor, whose overexpression greatly enhanced nutrient uptake and plant growth under N deficiency. We first conducted an RNA sequencing experiment to obtain root transcriptome using PuHox52-overexpression lines of P. ussuriensis under low N treatment. We then performed multiple genetic and phenotypic analyses to identify key target genes of PuHox52 and validated how they acted against N deficiency under PuHox52 regulation. PuHox52 was specifically induced in roots by N deficiency, and overexpression of PuHox52 promoted N uptake, plant growth, and root development. We demonstrated that several nitrate-responsive genes (PuNRT1.1, PuNRT2.4, PuCLC-b, PuNIA2, PuNIR1, and PuNLP1), phosphate-responsive genes (PuPHL1A and PuPHL1B), and an iron transporter gene (PuIRT1) were substantiated to be direct targets of PuHox52. Among them, PuNRT1.1, PuPHL1A/B, and PuIRT1 were upregulated to relatively higher levels during PuHox52-mediated responses against N deficiency in PuHox52-overexpression lines compared to WT. Our study revealed a novel regulatory mechanism underlying root adaption to N deficiency where PuHox52 modulated a coordinated uptake of nitrate, phosphate, and iron through 'PuHox52-PuNRT1.1', 'PuHox52-PuPHL1A/PuPHL1B', and 'PuHox52-PuIRT1' regulatory relationships in poplar roots.

Publication Title

Journal of integrative plant biology
