"A hybrid-mixed finite element method for single-phase Darcy flow in fr" by Guosheng Fu and Yang Yang

A hybrid-mixed finite element method for single-phase Darcy flow in fractured porous media

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Department of Mathematical Sciences


We present a hybrid-mixed finite element method for a novel hybrid-dimensional model of single-phase Darcy flow in a fractured porous media. In this model, the fracture is treated as a (d−1)-dimensional interface within the d-dimensional fractured porous domain, for d=2,3. Two classes of fracture are distinguished based on the permeability magnitude ratio between the fracture and its surrounding medium: when the permeability in the fracture is (significantly) larger than in its surrounding medium, it is considered as a conductive fracture; when the permeability in the fracture is (significantly) smaller than in its surrounding medium, it is considered as a blocking fracture. The conductive fractures are treated using the classical hybrid-dimensional approach of the interface model where pressure is assumed to be continuous across the fracture interfaces, while the blocking fractures are treated using the recent Dirac-δ function approach where normal component of Darcy velocity is assumed to be continuous across the interface. Due to the use of Dirac-δ function approach for the blocking fractures, our numerical scheme allows for nonconforming meshes with respect to the blocking fractures. This is the major novelty of our model and numerical discretization. Moreover, our numerical scheme produces locally conservative velocity approximations and leads to a symmetric positive definite linear system involving pressure degrees of freedom on the mesh skeleton only. As an application, we extend the idea to a simple transport model. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated by various benchmark test cases in both two- and three-dimensions. Numerical results indicate that the proposed scheme is highly competitive with existing methods in the literature

Publication Title

Advances in Water Resources
