Stochastic Workload Scheduling for Uncoordinated Datacenter Clouds with Multiple QoS Constraints

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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Cloud computing is now a well-adopted computing paradigm. With unprecedented scalability and flexibility, the computational cloud is able to carry out large scale computing tasks in parallel. The datacenter cloud is a new cloud computing model that uses multi-datacenter architectures for large scale massive data processing or computing. In datacenter cloud computing, the overall efficiency of the cloud depends largely on the workload scheduler, which allocates clients' tasks to different Cloud datacenters. Developing high performance workload scheduling techniques in Cloud computing imposes a great challenge which has been extensively studied. Most previous works aim only at minimizing the completion time of all tasks. However, timeliness is not the only concern, reliability and security are also very important. In this work, a comprehensive Quality of Service (QoS) model is proposed to measure the overall performance of datacenter clouds. An advanced Cross-Entropy based stochastic scheduling (CESS) algorithm is developed to optimize the accumulative QoS and sojourn time of all tasks. Experimental results show that our algorithm improves accumulative QoS and sojourn time by up to 56.1 and 25.4 percent respectively compared to the baseline algorithm. The runtime of our algorithm grows only linearly with the number of Cloud datacenters and tasks. Given the same arrival rate and service rate ratio, our algorithm steadily generates scheduling solutions with satisfactory QoS without sacrificing sojourn time.

Publisher's Statement

© 2013 IEEE. Publisher’s version of record:

Publication Title

IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
