Ultrasound speckle tracking to detect vascular distensibility changes from angioplasty and branch ligation in a radio-cephalic fistula: Use of novel open source software
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Michigan Tech Research Institute
We used novel open source software, based on an ultrasound speckle tracking algorithm, to examine the distensibility of the vessel wall of the inflow artery, anastomosis, and outflow vein before and after two procedures. An 83-year-old white man with a poorly maturing radio-cephalic fistula received an angioplasty at the anastomosis followed by branch ligation 28 days later. Duplex Doppler measurements corroborated the blood flow related changes anticipated from the interventions. The experimental distensibility results showed that it is technically feasible to measure subtle vessel wall motion changes with high resolution (sub-millimeter) using standard Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) ultrasound data, which are readily available on conventional ultrasound scanners. While this methodology was originally developed using high resolution radiofrequency from ultrasound data, the goal of this study was to use DICOM data, which makes this technology accessible to a wide range of users.
Publication Title
Journal of Vascular Access
Recommended Citation
Weitzel, W.,
Rajaram, N.,
Zheng, Y.,
Thelen, B.,
Krishnamurthy, V.,
Hamilton, J.,
Lora, M.,
Morgan, T.,
Shih, A.,
Yessayan, L.
Ultrasound speckle tracking to detect vascular distensibility changes from angioplasty and branch ligation in a radio-cephalic fistula: Use of novel open source software.
Journal of Vascular Access.
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© The Author(s) 2020. Publisher’s version of record: https://doi.org/10.1177/1129729820959910