"Investigation of anti-icing, anti-skid, and water impermeability perfo" by Chao Peng, Xin Hu et al.

Investigation of anti-icing, anti-skid, and water impermeability performances of an acrylic superhydrophobic coating on asphalt pavement

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Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering


Icing asphalt pavement affects driving safety. The purpose of this research is to find a solution to improve the anti-icing performance of asphalt pavement. An acrylic superhydrophobic coating (ASC) on asphalt pavement was prepared from uncured acrylic acid and carbon nanotubes. The contact angle and rolling angle of water droplets on the ASC surface are 155.173° and 4.26°. The icing observation experiment shows that the freezing time of the water droplet on the ASC surface is prolonged by 17% in comparison with that on the asphalt mixture surface. The anti-skid performance test results reveal that the coefficient of friction of the ASC is improved by 5.7% than that of asphalt pavement. The water permeability test results show that ASC can prevent water from penetrating the upper pavement structure, thereby reducing moisture damage. The results of this research indicate that ASC has good potential to improve the anti-icing performance of asphalt pavement.

Publisher's Statement

© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. Publisher’s version of record: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120702

Publication Title

Construction and Building Materials
