Human-sensed fields: Does dowsing response correlate with-self potential or conductivity anomalies?

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences


Dowsing is the use of metal rods, forked sticks, pendulums, etc to locate minerals, water, pipes etc. Dowsing has been practiced for centuries and in various world cultures, and there are abundant reports of dowsing success in the non-scientific, popular literature. The natural question arises whether the dowsing response correlates with any geophysical measurement such as self potential or electromagnetic response. The dowsing reported here uses U-shaped bent metal rods carried along a survey line. Both authors have found that the rods move in their hands. We report dowsing responses for the two authors and compare these responses with self-potential and electromagnetic response across a folded graphitic slate body and across metallic copper deposits, both in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

Publication Title

Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophyics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, SAGEEP
