What the railroad industry needs and expects from higher education

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Rail transportation and engineering education in the United States was neglected for decades, from a lack of demand for graduates in the field. However, the increase in freight rail transportation volumes, combined with a growing interest in passenger rail development, has reenergized the academic community. Currently, several universities are either investigating or implementing rail-related activities. Because of the long disconnect between the industry and academia, several challenges have arisen about what the rail industry needs and wants from graduates and universities. Challenges include the quantitative and qualitative demands placed on graduates by the industry as well as industry preference for types of education and the perceived benefits from university education and university-industry collaboration. The educational background of current industry employees and its importance to their career selection are also of interest. This paper reports the outcomes of two online surveys of industry employees to bring light to the aforementioned points. More than 1,000 industry employees participated in the surveys that were conducted in 2006 and 2010. The second survey was conducted as part of a collaborative study between the United States and the European Union, allowing direct comparison of opinions between the U.S. and international workforce.

Publication Title

Transportation Research Record
