"EES perspective aging, technology, and ethics" by William Bulleit and Rosalyn Berne

EES perspective aging, technology, and ethics

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Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering


In an ethical utopia, all people would have access to the diagnoses, processes, tools, and treatments that would ensure health and well-being throughout life, regardless of economic means, intellectual or physical abilities, religious beliefs, political stance, -sexual orientation, gender identity, or age. But such a reality does not (yet) exist.

Engineers, how-ever, can do their part by being attentive to ethics in all phases of their work, from problem scoping and initial design efforts to proto-typing, manufacture, and downstream monitoring of socio-technological impacts and unintended consequences. That would make a significant contribution to such an ambition.

Publisher's Statement

© 2019 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Publisher’s version of record: https://www.nae.edu/205237/EES-Perspective-Aging-Technology-and-Ethics

Publication Title

The Bridge
