A Rosenbrock-Nystrom state space implicit approach for the dynamic analysis of mechanical systems: II - Method and numerical examples

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When performing dynamic analysis of a constrained mechanical system, a set of index three differential-algebraic equations (DAE) describes the time evolution of the system. A state-space based method for the numerical solution of the resulting DAE has also been developed. The numerical method uses a linearly implicit time stepping formula of the Rosenbrock type, which is suitable for medium accuracy integration of stiff systems. This paper discusses choices of method coefficients and presents numerical results. For stiff mechanical systems, the proposed algorithm is shown to reduce significantly simulation times when compared to state of the art existent algorithms. The better efficiency is due to the use of an L-stable integrator, and a rigorous and general approach to providing analytical derivatives required by it.

Publication Title

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics
